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We would like to thank professor Tu-Bao Ho for providing us Penn Treebank data for evaluation.
We would like to thank professor Jorge Nocedal, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University, for providing L-BFGS FORTRAN source code.
The C version of L-BFGS used in this project is borrowed from CRF++ project developed by Taku Kudo ( We would like to thank him for his open source project.
A part of this project, the training section (e.g., the computation of log-likelihood function and its gradient vector), is based on the Java source code of CRF project developed by professor Sunita Sarawagi, KR School of Information Technology, IIT Bombay. We would like to thank professor Sunita Sarawagi for sharing her CRF package and answering related question.
We would like to thank for hosting this project.